Changes compared to previous version

This game jam game is an improved version of my first game (link below)

Old Project

And here are the changes that affected her:

1. New mobs:

Small mob - very fast, but knocked out with one hit

Shooter with a revolver - actually quite annoying, but also doesn't have much HP

The sniper is not even that annoying, since his location is easy to find out

With a rocket launcher - to be honest, it comes across very rarely, but it’s very unpleasant because of the damage

Spider with a bomb - very annoying because of the damage from the explosion and speed, plus it has a lot of knockback and can kill several mobs

A spider with poison is not as difficult to fight against as it is to fight against its poison, which if you step into it, you can die painfully

A mob with a shield is an ordinary one, it’s annoying that there’s a lot of HP

Megamob is very annoying because it can summon any of the ones described earlier

2. Boss:

Is the key goal in the game, which may or may not be easy to defeat, I honestly haven’t checked xD

But he has a lot of skills, there is also a normal mode and a rage mode

3. Decoration:

Ordinary curiosities are different so that you don’t feel so lonely in an empty world, the only useful ones are explosive barrels

4. Updated background in the menu:

Made like 3D animation but pixelated

5. Almost completed gamepad support:

For now you can only walk, shoot and select weapons


Hellish 37 MB
26 days ago

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